
Fellowship group meets on the second Tuesday of each month from February to November. Meetings commence at 9.30am in the church hall.


Men's Coffee and Chat

Getting together over coffee at Beresfield Bowling Club on the second Tuesday of each month from February to November, commencing at 9.30am.

Games Morning

Games mornings are held in the hall on the third Tuesday of each month commencing at 9.30am with morning tea.


Church Lunches

Church lunches are held monthly at various venues around the local area.  


Trivia Night

Our Trivia night is held on a Friday, commencing 7.00pm.  $10 per player including supper. 

Tea and coffee available throughout the evening.  

Check our Calendar in What's On for dates.


Pancake  night

Pancake Night is held annually on Shrove Tuesday as an introduction to the season of Lent.  Two courses are served - pancakes with a range of savoury toppings followed by dessert consisting of pancakes with ice cream and your choice of sweet toppings.


Check our Calendar in What's On for dates.


Soup and Damper Night

Join us for our winter warming Soup and Damper night held annually commencing at 6.30pm.  A selection of soups and crusty damper, followed by dessert. All this for only $15 per person.


Check our Calendar in What's On for dates.


Mad Hatters Lunch

Join us on Melbourne Cup Day for fun, games, lunch and watch the running of the Cup.  Free Melbourne Cup sweep.  Prizes awarded. $20 per person. This includes lunch.